
Megagrisevit (Clostebol Acetate)


Megagrisevit (clostebol acetate) appears to be approximately as effective as Primobolan (methenolone) per milligram or moderately more so. The primary reasons for not using clostebol acetate are its excessive cost and low concentration per mL, requiring large injection volume. Clostebol may have anti-aromatase activity.

Buy Megagrisevit Online

Buy Megagrisevit Online. Clostebol acetate is the chemical name of the active ingredient in Megagrisevit mono. Megagrisevit mono was a registered trademark of Pharmacia GmbH in Germany and/or other countries prior to cancellation.

Megagrisevit (clostebol acetate) appears to be approximately as effective as Primobolan (methenolone) per milligram or moderately more so. The primary reasons for not using clostebol acetate are its excessive cost and low concentration per mL, requiring a large injection volume. Clostebol may have anti-aromatase activity.


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